

Oct 08, 2016Leave a message

Millet High-end Mobile VR Glasses Of The Upcoming Development Is Open For Applications

Millet millet research laboratory was formally established earlier this year, focusing on cutting-edge technologies such as VR/robot. August micro notice when everyone thought that millet, millet has released a toy version VR box at $ 49. The zippered design and Lycra millet VR box tray with Google is no different in essence, fans shouted, millet's routine is a bit dark.
VR official VR Twitter announced millet millet now official opening of the new product development applications. Twitter millet also attached a letter from the research laboratory to VR developers, content that millet was developing a high-performance mobile VR glasses paired with millet's flagship phone, it has a strong capacity, rendering of the ultra low delay and innovation in interactive mode. Millet officially opened the VR glasses development applications, inviting interested developers millet VR games and applications. Interested developers can visit millet's official website to apply online. In addition, millet said that high-end mobile VR glasses will be issued in China.
A few days ago, Google has released Daydream View header and Daydream certification of flagship phones Pixel and Pixel Plus. We already know that millet and Google as partners, launch adapter Daydream platform of mobile hardware, sources pointed out that new millet Note 2 will be released at the end of October whether millet Note 2 certification is a Daydream for mobile, or mix millet high-end mobile phone VR glasses? VR technology network will be keeping an eye on all reports.

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